Sunday, January 8, 2017

Fortune is Notoriously Fickle

I guess fortune is one of the most misunderstood word.  Then also, its one of the most frequently used word, especially when some unwanted outcome arrives out of human action or inaction. Indians are mostly spiritual people(don't confuse with religious) and its very easy to make them accept this fortune concept for any political, social, economic setup or even day-to-day activities. A child born in dalit house is made to believe that its his fortune to be born in such caste and will have to live a life of illiterate, untouchable , cleaning other's filth throughout his life. A child born as girl is made to believe that its her destiny to live a subservient life. A poor child whose parents can't afford schooling is made to believe in so called fortune and forced to start work with his little hands picking up bricks or cleaning bartans.

Do not get me wrong on fortune. I do believe in it but only after we as human beings have given our best. We can't blame destiny for our wrongs or inactions. Condition of dalits, girls or poor are not outcome of bad fortune , these are outcome of bad intentions - intention of yielding power. Fortune is the easiest scapegoat and best way to relieve our-self of the guilt we should be feeling for making the life of others pitiable.

We have heard every great person saying that "changes come through self belief ". Its nothing but a call to believe in human power and be least dependent on fortune. If we all start realizing that good or bad happening around us are outcome of our own activities we will definitely make world a better place for ourselves and coming generations.

As I said earlier I do believe in fortune. I feel lucky to be born to parents for whom educated children were more important than hefty bank balances. I feel lucky to be educated in "English medium school" as that itself removes half of the competition in some exams. I feel lucky to get admission in that few numbered "good engineering" college in a country of 1.2 billion. I feel lucky to be married to a man in whose dictionary gender discrimination don't exist.

But, wait a minute. Don't you think getting good education, having fair competition in exams, having proportionate number of good colleges and being treated equally are my rights? Or for that matter rights of any human being born. Then why am I calling these as my good fortune and not rights? It's because we have a created such unequal, discriminatory society around us that even getting our due right is like a fortune.

I know how lucky I have been throughout my life. But somewhere this feeling scares me from inside because Fortune is Notoriously Fickle. I don't want my countrymen to be dependent on any fickle fortune. I don't want any children to be lucky to get good education. I don't want any girl to be treated equally just because she was lucky to be surrounded by good people. I want these lucks to be converted into rights. I want to create a society in which everyone will be empowered enough to write their own fortune.

Please support me and everyone around you to create such environment. Let's start from today, from now. Just do 2 things. Respect every human being as equal and start feeling the guilt for miseries of others. Directly or indirectly we all are responsible for pain our people are going through. Let's explore ways to end this.

                                                                                                                        Jai Hind.